Abigail McGurty

Helping facilitate Conscious Dying

For just over 10 years, Abigail worked as a registered nurse in a variety of settings. Beginning as an oncology nurse and later transitioning to critical care nursing proved to be a journey that changed her perspective on many things, including end-of-life care. Abigail realized early in her career that end-of-life was a precious time, but with more experience and reflection, it became apparent that the dying process also holds the capacity for deep human significance. Exploring this significance ultimately led to her discovering the role of doulas in end-of-life care.

Abigail is trained as a Sacred Passage Doula and Conscious Dying Coach through the Conscious Dying Institute in Boulder, CO. As a doula, keeping people, the richness of their lived experiences and the values they hold is central to the support that is provided. Within this role Abigail is poised to provide holistic and compassionate care. She hopes that by listening with compassion and creating a space for people to ask questions both big and small, the dying process can be experienced with more comfort and ultimately less fear.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about different care providers and their roles. Planning for the future and my services and process.